Unlike many Americans I have a much greater fascination with the government and politics in this country than I do with sports or American Idol.
I am by no means an expert, but I try to keep up with what is going on and why. I know almost no one personally that can say the same. This is incredibly unfortunate, but somewhat understandable. The entire business of politics is a ridiculous and unnecessary mess. Often much too hard for even the most educated political junkie to decipher.
So I have made a little wish-list of things I'd like to see change in our country and political system. While I personally see the political machine of this country becoming even more childish and unproductive, I am ever the optimist. What follows is just list of things I think would be an improvement over the status quo.
1. Make the campaign season as short as it is in England. - If our elected representatives aren't spending all their time, basically their entire tenure in office, trying to campaign for the next election they just might get something meaningful done.
2. No earmarks. - I know that some of the earmarks hidden in the pages of bills are used to gain support and to "help" a particular congressperson's home districts, but there is a better way. All bills should contain only things pertinent to that bill. Once every 3-4 months there will be x amount of days put aside just for senators and representatives to present special requests for their constituents or districts. Multiple congress people can even get together and present a group request. These special requests should not interfere or be linked to any other piece of legislation.
3. Federal elections should be publicly funded.- State elections can still be run as they are, but on the federal level we should remove the temptation for politicians to become beholden to corporations and industries. Each candidate is given permission to have x amount of airtime(TV and radio), x amount of space in certain publications for promoting their campaign. The media that runs the ads will be given some amount of credit for the next tax year. If an elected official is found to be taking bribes, gifts or special favors from any source that could be considered an attempt to influence their positions on policy this will be considered treason for betraying not only their office, but the people they represent. Both parties will be charged with a crime and punished accordingly. Plus this would also give people other than the rich the ability to run for office.
4. Reduce the number of lobbyist. - Each industry or special interest group can have a total of 2 individuals lobbying elected officials. Lobbyist are also not allowed to take part in creating policy.
5. Give everyone in Washington a 2 term limit. - Every elected official can only hold a particular office twice. This includes Supreme Court Justices, who should have 10 year terms instead of lifetime.
6. Abolish Income Tax and implement a national sales tax. - This way people will be taxed more fairly by how much they spend and not how much they make. This will put more money in the pockets of workers, to spend or save as they see fit, and not penalize them for working. If they spend it they pay the tax, if they choose to save it that will give them more money for retirement or large purchases. Also work towards creating a tax on money, made by companies located in the US, that is stored overseas.
7. Regulate Wall Street, and the Banking industry to the point they have to tell the government what color their shit was that morning. - These bastards have been allowed to walk all over the working people of this country for far too long. As the government has given them more freedom and tax breaks, they have hoarded more and more money and not used it to create jobs. Instead they have shipped those jobs over seas, so they can lower cost and make even more money. Thus nearly destroying the middle class in this country, the most essential class in our society.
8. Start pulling our troops out of other countries and bringing them home. - Since the rest of the world hates us so much for being big bullies, we should just pull all of those soldiers that are keeping their countries from collapsing and bring them home. Then when those other countries start crying about needing help, remind them they didn't want our help. Use those soldiers to protect our country, territories and actual allies.
9. Tell Mexico to get their shit together or take em over. - Every one is up in arms about all the Mexicans coming to our country illegally and while that isn't a big concern for me the violence at the border is. We need to tell, not ask, Mexico to get things under control, and even offer them some assistance in the spirit of being a good neighbor. If they refuse or tell us to butt out we need take military action and go in, wipe out the criminal empires(treating them as wartime enemies) , take over and absorb all their states. There's nothing saying that says the U.S. can't have 81 states. If so many Mexicans want to come here we could easily solve that problem by making it all one country. Then we will all be U.S. citizens with no worries about illegal Mexican immigrants. Besides their inability to get things under control is endangering the lives of U.S. citizens. That is not tolerable.
10. Real Universal Healthcare- The fact that this is even an issue amazes me. From what I have read the number one reason for people to file for bankruptcy is medical bills. That is ridiculous. People can't even afford to get sick or even find out if they are sick in this country. Is it any wonder that we take such poor care of ourselves? I understand that people don't want bureaucrats deciding who deserves medical care and who doesn't, but they need to think for a moment.
With our current health-care system we have bureaucrats who work for companies, whose only interest is increasing profits, lowering costs and who only serve to keep their shareholders/investors happy. Basically they have the power to decide who lives and who dies, I believe health care opponents call them Death Panels, not based on what is best for you, but what is best for their company. With the government run health care, the people making the decision would be answerable the people of this country because they need our votes to stay in power. The people would have the option and ability to influence policy and have some say in how the system works. So which system do I want? That's a stupid question.
That's all I have at the moment. I'll add to or revise the list when I get time.