It kind of pisses me off that Congress gets involved with sports when there is a controversy. I don't think the founding fathers intended for us to have congressional hearings about steroids use in athletes or brain damage from playing football.
First of all the fact both of these are bad things is kind of common sense. Secondly, don't our representatives in congress have better shit to do? I mean I didn't vote for them and pay taxes so they could worry about stupid shit like this. There are organizations, for both the players and the leagues, that are much more capable to handle these issues.
Our economy is in the tank, people are losing there homes, there are no jobs, people either can't get health care or are having to file bankruptcy due to health care costs they can't pay, and congress thinks football is important? WTF!?!?
While I'm on the topic of how ignorant politicians are, I think I will rant a little about how bassackwards Washington is at the moment.
1. Republicans stood behind the last administration's decisions to expand government's power to interfere with our lives, and spend money like it grew on trees. Now that Democrats are in power the Republicans have decided that spending money is bad and do anything possible, including spreading outright lies, to undermine the current administration. Now they become fiscally responsible? Where were they when the previous administration was running our country and economy into the toilet? Oh, yeah... they were approving all the things that put us in the toilet...
2. The Republicans also can't stop themselves from telling us how the current administration is like Hitler and the Nazis because they are trying to take away all or our rights! Unless I'm mistaken wasn't the Patriot Act the last administration's baby? Wasn't it the last administration that gave the go ahead for detaining US citizens with no warrant or due process? Didn't all that secret prison and torture stuff happen during the last administration? Wasn't it the last administration that lied to everyone and got us into a completely unjustifiable war? I'll concede that the current administration is more socialist than I would like, but the Nazis got voted out in the last election.
3. I will give Congress the benefit of the doubt, 9/11 was a traumatic experience for the nation and allowed a crooked, evil administration to manipulate the situation to create the war they wanted. Granted I and many others never have understood why we moved into Iraq, considering that the terrorist are predominately based in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, but America needed and enemy and Bush needed to further some business interest so Iraq was the target. After all we couldn't attack the Saudis.... well that's a topic for another time... So why are we still fighting this war? The enemy is not a country, they are a worldwide group of individuals and this "war" would be better waged by intelligence agencies with small strike force style deployments than by all out showing of force.
4.Why, after getting our hopes up and motivating us to boot out many of the Republicans, have the Democrats continually dropped the ball? They act like morons that have no idea what they are suppose to be doing. It is really sad. To me this either proves that the Democrats are complete idiots who lack the organization and leadership of the Republicans (I find the Republicans to be vile, lying, fat cats, but they are pretty good at staying organized.), or they are just as corrupt as the Republicans. Because of the two faced, backstabbing, dishonest tactics of the Republicans and the complete ineptitude, disorganization and lack of any type of coherent direction by the Democrats, I have decided to become a Libertarian.
Since both parties enjoy name calling, it has opened my eyes to how pathetic they both have become. The more I listen to their adolescent rhetoric the more I have come to see them in a different light. Republicans want a more dictatorship type of government run by corporations and Democrats want a more socialist government where they run the corporations. Both types of government would lead to tyranny, promote corruption(even more so than now), spread paranoia and give us a society where big brother is not just looking over our shoulders, but breathing down our necks.
That is just my quick rant on politics. I don't really have a reason for it and have not taken the time to gather sources or facts to back up my opinions, because they are opinions. These are just my takes on things I've seen lately.
Like many Americans I am just sick and tired of watching all these morons continually screw the very people they were elected to serve, while taking care of themselves and their rich friends. What is even more sad is that come election time, everyone will completely overlook how much these idiots have screwed us all and will vote for them again. As I said before I will be voting for Libertarian or other independent candidates when ever possible. The only way to let the Dem and Republicans know that we are fed up is to start replacing them with other parties. Then and only then will they realize that they need to start listening to the people that hired them, us, and follow the platforms of their parties.
There was a line in the movie Religulous that I think sums up our government. It was actually said by a congressman in an interview with Bill Mauher and while I don't have it memorized verbatim this pretty damn close:
You don't have to take an IQ test to get into Congress.
Truer words have never been spoken.
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